Digifly Flyer

Digifly Flyer  Connecting to a computer

The Flyer can be connected to a computer to:

In my experience there is not a lot of need to connect it to a computer, unless you like that sort of tinkering.

You can download flight details using the serial link, but given that for each flight it only records 5 values (max height, min height, max ups, max downs, total climb), you can use your quill pen to manually transcribe the information onto your vellum scroll quicker than you can boot-up your computer.

Apparently you can upgrade the software yourself, but given that the importers will do it for you for about a fiver (see links page), it is probably best left to the professionals. Ask them to stick your name on it (up to 7 characters) at the same time if you like.

If you do want to connect to a computer, you will need a suitable lead. This is expensive to buy but cheap to make.

There are sources out there that say the wiring scheme for the lead looks like this (see table below). I have no reason to doubt it, but I've not tested it myself, it could be wrong, and any home-made connections you make to your vario are at your own risk. I would imagine that wrong voltages applied to your vario in the wrong way could break it.


2.5mm stereo jack function 9-way male 'D' connector
sleeve ground pin 5
ring transmit pin 3
tip receive pin 2


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